Saturday, September 5, 2009

New Faces on the Farm

Goats. We're goat rookies. 40 years of raising horses and now I have something that I've always wanted since I was a little kid. Goats. I bought 2 wethers and had no idea that they were so interesting, funny and smart. Stay tuned, and see how much trouble I get into when handling goats. The big one is pretty trained and the younger one is more of a project.

Super Filly

The best racehorse of this century is Rachel Alexandra. She's competed in all levels against males of different ages and beat them all. She doesn't seem to have a peer. I'm just in awe. I wish the rest of the sports media would wake up and show her some attention, but alas, it's the opening weekend of college football, the pennant races are heating up and the US Open is in the second round. After what she did today beating older males she needs attention. We'll see in the sports news cycles tomorrow. Too bad. The general sports public is missing out because of media bias.